
(詞幹: maan
  1. 偉大,至尊,了不起;勇敢。

  1. great極大

  2. wonderful奇妙,美妙

  3. honorable * noble可尊敬,正當

    • O tadamaanay a tamdaw cingra.He is a noble / high ranking person.他是偉大的人物
  4. magnificent莊嚴的,重要

    • Satadamaanen ko demak.Make a big occasion of the thing / do it up fancy.願你做大事,但願你的表現特殊
    • O tadamaanay a romi'ad konini.This is a special day.今天是很特別的日子
    • Tadamaanay ko pipataheka nira.He fixed a very special / magnificent meal for us.他擺上很豐富的喜宴