tefad (詞幹)
(詞幹: tefad)
to fall with literal and figurative meanings掉落,墮落,含字面上和比喻上的意義
- Matefad to koya wawa nai kilang.The child fell from a tree.那孩子從樹上跌落下來
- Matefad to ko faloco' akoMy heart fell / i.e. I lost hope / became disillusioned我已絕望了
- Yo lifeten no tawki cinngra i, matefad to cingra.When the boss tested him he failed.當老闆考驗他時,他失敗了
- O maan ko matefaday?What fell?什麼東西掉下來
- Matefad to ko ngangan noya tadamaanay a tamdaw.That man of honor lost his reputatioin.那位有名望的人名譽掃地 (一落千丈)
(詞幹: tefad)
- Tangasa i loma' kira wawa, o tefad nira to codad a misalama i sakafiyaw.那個孩子回家後就放掉書到鄰居家玩。