liyas (詞幹)
(詞幹: liyas)
to leave * go away離開,分離
to get out of the way出軌
- Liyasen ko paliding.Get out of the way of the car.躲開車子
- Maliyas ako ko katalawan.I escaped danger.我逃離危險, 我倖免災禍
- Miliyas cingra to niyaro'.He left the village.他離開村莊,他遠走他鄉,他離鄉背井
- Papiliyasen koya wawa to waco.Get the child away from the dog.把那孩子遠離狗
- Papilyasen koya wawa to waco.Make the child go away from the dog.使那孩子遠離狗
- Awaay ko piliyaliyasan.There was no place of escape.無處可躲