sa'opo (詞幹)
to gather * of people or things集合,人或物
to gather together集合在一起
- Sa'opoen ako ko wawa.I will gather the children together (lead them or call together).我要召集兒童
- Pasa'opoen ako ko wawa.I will (have someone go) gather the children.我要 (差某人) 把兒童集合起來
- Papisa'opoen ko singsi to wawa.Have the teacher gather the children together.請 (告訴) 老師把兒童召集在一起
- Sa'opoen ko nialaan namo a foting.Gather together the fish you caught.把你們捉來的魚集中在一起
biblical term for church聖經指教會的聚會